West Wing of Wednesday Night #2

Written by  //  May 3, 2008  //  Alexandra T. Greenhill, Biodiversity, Environment & Energy, Health & Health care, Politics, West Wing (WWWN)  //  Comments Off on West Wing of Wednesday Night #2

See also  More from our West Wing

Dear friends/Chers amis!
You are invited to attend the second ever – Wednesday Night salon – west coast edition on Wednesday night May 7th. You are all fabulous fascinating (and busy!) people who are passionate about the world we live in and the people who surround us. I hope you will be able to come.
Ron Meisels OWN will be there and so will Linda Naiman
We had an incredibly successful launch of this concept on April 2nd – with an animated debate and a great spread of issues to opine on!
What is the concept?
What I would love to see flourish in Vancouver is a monthly edition, which preserves some of the key success elements of the concept:
– you need to believe that it is fun to discuss, examine, challenge or poke fun at ideas, trends and events past, present and future
– what is said here, stays here – all is completely off the record and would not be attributed
– amongst the people gathered, there will be full breadth of ages, perspectives and opinions and while they are all respected, they can and ought to be vigorously debated
– people arrive after they have had dinner – 6h30PM or so, then the moderated conversation starts at 7h30 and ends at 9h30, and that is the host’s commitment to you, as the next day we all work!
– there is no food served – just wine (bring a bottle of your favourite! or sample the ones we like) and candlelight (OK, OK, I will splurge on pretzels)
– while there are a few “regulars”- members of the Wednesday Night group who come as often as possible – many other guests attend only when topics of specific relevance to their professions or fields of expertise are to be discussed. Attendance is by invitation or “Wednesday Nighters” are encouraged to alert the hosts to the possibility of inviting special guests, visitors or new members of the community who may contribute expertise or a special viewpoint. If the guests “work”, the host would invite them to become regulars.
– the setting is private and informal – we would like to welcome you to our Vancouver home
The topics we could look at covering next time include:
– are Canadians really becoming more angry and why aren’t they angry for the right reasons
– “truthiness” and its ugly consequences
– if Obama was able to turn scandal to a real conversation on important issues , why aren’t Canadian politicians learning anything from him?
– will Turks & Caicos get a national health insurance plan before the US does?
– is the 2,200$ car good for the world?
– now that Google Earth has become a key tool for the United Nations – should we get Google to help stop the clock on frogs , bees and other species extinction ?
[ see also Scientists Join Forces To Save Madagascar Wildlife]
– the paradox of choice and its corollary of insatiable appetite for more and bigger
– or we could cover all of the topics mentioned in the last invite that we did not get around to covering last time!
Of course, one never knows where the conversation goes, we may cover all or none, as you will all have things you are currently involved in or interested in that you will bring to the roundtable!
Please RSVP. If you can’t make it this time, please let me know if Wednesday June 11th would work for you for the next iteration! And if you already have someone else in mind who you would like to bring along, please let me know.
Alexandra (and husband James)

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