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Wednesday Night #1000
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // May 2, 2001 // Reports, Special Wednesday Nights // 1 Comment
More on Wonderful messages from around the world
Thank You
Dear Nonymous and A-nonymous Members
of the Self-appointed Committee for the Millennium Wednesday Night
and Honourable Guests – both present and absent
The horse designed by this committee was most certainly not a camel, but a pure Arabian steed of noble appearance and spirit.
What a MAGICAL evening you gave us all! Every detail was perfect. You even arranged for unseasonably warm weather so that all of Rosemount Avenue could enjoy the good cheer. And good cheer there most certainly was. Aside from the eloquence of the Mistress of Ceremonies, Harry‘s presentation of the PROCLAMATION, Herb‘s lovely Tale of Fiona’s Dad and the Thousand and One Nights, Peter‘s toast, Marie‘s rendering of Sam Stein‘s salute from Kyrgyzstan, and the magnificent recital by Susan and Donald including the aptly chosen “People”, what we noted with the greatest pleasure – and pride – was that good conversation prevailed over cocktail party chatter. In the tradition of the 999 previous Wednesday Nights, you maintained courteous, entertaining discourse and debate amidst the constant flow of Hans‘ and Janet‘s glorious champagne.
We are immensely touched by your affection and generosity. You are all busy people and, yet, you made the time to prepare this wonderful surprise for us, not simply the Nicholson “us” but the collective Wednesday Night “us” – or should we say, the Wednesday Night Collective?
A special thank you to Brian Morel, the glue that held the committee together. And another to Marie-Hélène and Marie for all their meticulous efforts in coordinating guests, food and details. And to Chil Heward for ensuring that on this Wednesday Night, the menu was not limited to peanuts and pretzels. It was a bounteous feast! To the highly overqualified barmen, John, Allan and Gerald who applied their talents to the elegant delivery of champagne, to Dame Margaret, the Mistress of Ceremonies, His Worship, Mayor Peter F. Trent and all the presenters for their kind words, to Hans and Janet for the champagne, to Eli for the South African wine cellar, to the “Glass Fairy”, to Guy Lalonde for ensuring that our memories are confirmed and renewed on videotape and to all of those who chose to make their contribution without a signature. Above all, to Herb and his family for their incredible gift of his exquisite sculpture which now holds the place of honour in the entrance hall.
Finally, we would like to quote Stephen Kinsman who has said for us what we try to iterate on all occasions.
The achievement of 1000 Wednesday Nights is something of which we are all proud – not just you two. The sometimes amusing, always exciting, scintillating and informative Wednesday Nights are essential to knowledge for us all. I can remember when there have been crowds, I can remember when snowstorms have reduced participation to 6 people. But we all wanted to ensure the momentum never stopped -a matter of pride.
Congratulations to you both, but congratulations to us, too!”
It was a WONDERFUL evening – a Night To Remember -.
Now, on to 1001 “Tales and Veils”.
With our heartfelt thanks to each and every one.
David and Mouse
One Comment on "Wednesday Night #1000"
Every week on Wednesday night,
We come from the left and from the right,
From far and near and in between,
From high and low, to see and be seen,
To discourse with eloquence,
And expound with elegance.
We preach and argue and even squabble,
Yet never does the conversation wobble.
With David at the helm the course is true,
Even though the subject may be blue.
And when the pilot must be guided,
Diana makes sure he’s not one-sided.
After one thousand nights the magic has just begun,
Like Sheherezade’s Prince, we need a thousand and one.
Sam Stein