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Gerald Ratzer
Written by Diana Thebaud Nicholson // December 17, 2003 // Gerald Ratzer, Order of Wednesday Night (OWN), People Meta // Comments Off on Gerald Ratzer
Born in England, educated in Scotland at Kelvinside Academy and Glasgow University. First degree in Honours Physics. Started graduate studies at the Maths Lab at Cambridge University, England. This included programming EDSAC 2 in machine language, using paper tape!
Awarded an IBM Fellowship and came to McGill University in Montreal, as the first graduate student in Computer Science, in 1964. Founding member of the School of Computer Science at McGill in 1970.
Research interests include modelling and simulation as used in real time applications, such as air traffic control simulators. Software derived from this research is running in 34 countries. Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) for several different fields ranging from high school to university level courses, both in Canada and overseas. This work is reflected in the course material that has created on the web at the links above and below. Other research work involves assistance to a team of McGill colleagues working on the processing by computer of scripted based calligraphic languages.
Consulting assignments include assistance with Software Engineering, Process Engineering and Corporate Planning for companies in the computer and telecommunications fields. One current assignment has included helping a company achieve ISO9001:2000 certification. Another has involved the design and implementation of collaboration software that includes desktop sharing.
Co-President and Honorary Secretary of the Oxford-Cambridge Society of Montreal.