25 years of Wednesday Nights – First notice

Written by  //  January 28, 2007  //  Special Wednesdays, The Salon  //  Comments Off on 25 years of Wednesday Nights – First notice

Dear far-flung friends of Wednesday Night,

On March 7, 2007, we will celebrate 25 years of Wednesday Nights in appropriate gala fashion.

We wish that you could be with us and truly hope that some of you may surprise us. Should the surprise mode be your choice, please let Gerald Ratzer (Gerald.Ratzer@McGill.ca) know as he is coordinating this aspect for the most efficient, self-appointed organizing committee.

But if distance and scheduling prove to be insurmountable problems, then we hope that you will take the time to send us your best memories of Wednesday Night. We would welcome humorous, thoughtful, thought-provoking or any other contribution. There is a threatened publication in the offing. Diana has started a book on The Salon, however it can never be complete without the recollections and input of those who made each night memorable, especially the earliest days for which there are unfortunately no written records.

We miss you. We wish you could be with us, but if that is not possible, we count on you joining us in spirit and you will most certainly be in our thoughts.

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