Canada and emerging markets

Written by  //  July 2, 2012  //  Canada, Emerging markets/economies, Trade & Tariffs  //  Comments Off on Canada and emerging markets

Changing Global Reality (.pdf)
Since 2009, nearly all the world’s growth has come from emerging powerhouses led by China, India, and Brazil, and include dynamic economies such as Mexico, Korea, Turkey, Poland, Indonesia, and South Africa·
Less than eight per cent of Canadian exports and four per cent of outward investment go to these emerging markets ·
Canadian participation in non-North American value chains remains low · The U.S. share of Canadian exports of goods and services declined from a high of 87 percent in 2000 to 75 per cent in 2010 · Global trade volumes will quadruple by 2030 ·
By 2020, China’s GDP is projected to be the world’s biggest · By 2030, the individual GDPs of Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, Vietnam, and Nigeria may surpass Canada’s GDP · By 2050, emerging markets will be home to 60 per cent of the world’s wealth and 70 per cent of global trade · By 2050, less than eight per cent of global trade will take place in North America, compared to 15 per cent today · In the next 10 to 15 years, there will be one billion middle class consumers in Asia and Africa.
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors WINNING IN A CHANGING WORLD Copyright iPolitics 2012


A maturing tonic for Canada
iPolitics Insight
By and
… It is not a matter of personalities or likeability, however. The hard reality is that the situation in the US, and grim future prospects in our traditional markets, have serious implications for Canada’s economic future. As our report Winning in a Changing World issued last week indicated, the major transformation affecting the global economy should serve as a wake-up call or a maturing tonic for Canadians as a whole and not just for government.
25 June
Winning in a Changing World: Canada & Emerging Markets
(Gowlings) In a Gowlings-sponsored report released today, Canada’s top business leaders, policy experts and academics are sending a clear message: it’s time for Canada to strengthen its relationships with the world’s emerging markets or risk being left behind.
The report, Winning in a Changing World: Canada & Emerging Markets, was hand-delivered to Prime Minister Stephen Harper this morning during a private meeting with the report’s authors, which included Gowlings strategic adviser and report co-chair Len Edwards. The report will also be shared with opposition leaders, premiers and territorial leaders.
“This report is an important wake-up call to governments and businesses alike,” said Edwards, who previously served as Canada’s deputy minister for Foreign Affairs and for International Trade. “Gowlings’ support for this timely work reflects our appreciation of the challenges our clients face in forging winning strategies in a hyper-competitive 21st century, in which global wealth, opportunity and economic power are quickly shifting to emerging markets.”
Winning in a Changing World is the result of months of research and roundtable discussions across Canada through the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. The final report was guided by a national advisory council featuring prominent members of Canada’s business, policy and academic communities, and was co-sponsored by SNC-Lavalin, Barrick Gold Corporation, AGF, CGI, Enbridge, the Centre for International Governance Innovation, CIBC and iPolitics.

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