David Nicholson awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal

Written by  //  February 23, 2013  //  The Salon, Wednesday Nights  //  41 Comments

The short version of David’s citation*:
David Nicholson
Category: Community Involvement
Mr. Nicholson joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1951, and after nine years’ service he became the commander of the flight school in Centralia, Ontario, where he was in charge of more than 300 Canadian and NATO pilots. In 1960, he joined Greenshields, where he had a successful career as a portfolio manager. But undoubtedly his greatest and most important achievement was when he and his wife created the Wednesday Night Salon in 1982. In its more than three decades of existence, the salon has developed a reputation as the place to be for dialogue and discussion, hosting professionals from a range of cultural, political and linguistic backgrounds. Mr. Nicholson is also dedicated to his community and has been active in the Alzheimer Society and in Project 80, an organization that supports low-income families in east Montreal.
“(…) I believe that Mr. Nicholson is a strong candidate as he has done so much for the city of Montréal.”
Kyle Matthews, Senior Deputy Director, The Will to Intervene Project

RJG13 0223 Diamond Jubilee MedalsLRes 01 _28 (2)


Robert Galbraith photo

*Read all citations


24 February
On Saturday afternoon, David was one of the 30 recipients who were presented with the Medal by our M.P. Marc Garneau at a gracious and very well organized ceremony at Victoria Hall. The recipients were all quite remarkable but largely unsung heroes/heroines outside their respective communities or organizations and very representative of the diversity of the Westmount-Ville-Marie riding. It was an honour to be included in their company. Marc Garneau had appointed an independent committee to review the more than 125 nominations and do what must have been very difficult triage.
As each recipient’s name was called out s/he was escorted by a young cadet (they were all adorable!) to the podium while our friend Victor Drury read out the citation and Marc pinned on the medal, shook hands, had pictures taken, etc. The Hall was awash in Canadian flags and very colourful. It was a great event and we wish that everyone could have been there to share it. Our good friend Rob Galbraith was the official photographer and as always produced some wonderful pictures.

RJG13 0223 Diamond Jubilee MedalsLRes 01 _37 (2) With Mayor Peter Trent and M.P. Marc Garneau
Robert Galbraith photo




18 January 2013
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that David has received a letter from Marc Garneau advising him that he has been awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for his “outstanding contribution to our community”. The presentation will take place on February 23rd.
He was totally surprised and is utterly delighted to be so honoured and feels that it is a tribute to be shared with the many, many, Friends of Wednesday Night who have made it the success that obviously was key in his award.
He is also extremely pleased to be in the distinguished company of a number of Wednesday Nighters who have also been so honoured: Alan Hustak, Alexandra Tcheremenska Greenhill, Beryl Wajsman, Brian Mitchell, Brigitte Garceau, Ilona Dougherty, John Jonas, Louise Fleischmann, Margarets Duthie,  Lefebvre and Somerville, Peter Frise and Peter Trent.
We are a bit confused about the protocol (or lack thereof) regarding who is allowed to divulge the nominators for the honour – (see Rideau Hall says partner organizations don’t have to disclose Diamond Jubilee medal nominees), however, we do know who worked for David’s nomination and we are deeply appreciative  of Kyle Matthews’ effort!


41 Comments on "David Nicholson awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal"

  1. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 8:40 pm ·

    OH DARLING AM SOOOOOO proud and happy for you BOTH.
    Carolina Richer Lafleche

  2. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 9:36 pm ·

    WOW congratulations David
    B Morel

    How absolutely wonderful! I am so happy for you both.
    Love, Judy (Judith Patterson)

    So happy to read this. Yeah!
    Brett House

    Dear David,
    What a great honour for you – Congratulations!!
    When I was sitting beside you last night at the world premiere of “Serving the Royals” – I did not realize you had such a close connection to the Queen!
    This award is truly well deserved.
    Gerald. (Ratzer)

  3. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 9:39 pm ·

    Hearty congratulations David. It is very well deserved.
    Thanks for letting us know Diana. I just think you and Tom should also have received them as well. Diana is so much a part of Wednesday Night’s success as well. The support and encouragement you both gave me over the fundraiser I organized for the Canadian Celiac Association last September, contributed so much to the success of that event.
    Margaret (Duthie)

    Congrats! Well deserved
    Beryl Wajsman
    P.S. Btw, to the list of Wed Night’s broad network that received it u can add Brigitte Garceau…:). Cheers!

  4. Stephen Kinsman January 18, 2013 at 9:44 pm ·

    Absolutely wonderful news and well deserved by you both, if I may say so.
    I, too, am indebted to the friend who sponsored David’s nomination to this singular honour.
    David is in good company, as well he should be.
    Love to both,
    Stephen. (Kinsman)

  5. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 9:48 pm ·

    What an incredible honour and wonderful news. All of WN is is also beaming along with you! Thank you for sharing this great news.
    Will this get csis off your trail?
    Love you both!
    John e.

  6. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 10:27 pm ·

    Congratulations, David!
    Fred and I got a ride home with the nominator this past Wednesday and we were wondering how much longer it would take until he got the news.
    Very much deserved. David’s OWN pin will be happy to have some company.
    Steph (Stephanie Jensen Cormier)

    Congratulations, David!
    John Curtin

  7. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 10:30 pm ·

    Congratulations, David! We are proud of you.
    John J. Jonas

    That`s wonderful news, most deserving and I am certain, greatly appreciated by David. Thanks for letting me know.

    Well done David!!!
    Most richly deserved indeed – such an honour to be lumped with people of your eminence (and of course – one of “The Margarets”).
    Peter (Frise)

  8. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 11:25 pm ·

    Great news to be applauded. Toutes mes félicitations for a well deserved recognition!
    Three CHEERS for the “honouree”.
    A. Linda Julien, avocate

    Fantastic News. Congratulations. Richly deserved. I am very happy for both of you. A bientôt.
    Kimon Valaskakis

  9. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 18, 2013 at 11:29 pm ·

    Fantastic news, and my heartiest congratulations to you both!
    Tyler Meredith

    Congratulations to both of you!!!
    Christopher Schoch

    Steven Lightfoot

  10. Margaret Cuddihy and Roger Warren January 19, 2013 at 12:32 am ·

    Congratulations, what wonderful news and so well deserved. We are indeed very thrilled to learn of his nomination.
    Congratulations to David and to the most wonderful women [Ed. Freudian slip?] behind the scene.
    Margaret and Roger

  11. Margaret Somerville January 19, 2013 at 12:34 am ·

    Dear Diana,
    You are right – that is, indeed, really wonderful news, and best congratulations to David. The only thing wrong is that you were not similarly honoured.

  12. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 19, 2013 at 12:46 pm ·

    Fantastic. Could not happen to a better person. He deserves it and so do you!

    Wonderful news indeed and much deserved !!
    Much love
    Raymond and Ellen

  13. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 19, 2013 at 12:47 pm ·

    We are so happy for David; he is the epitome of a Canadian that has made an “outstanding contribution” to all activities in which he has engaged. We have appreciated his work for over 20 years now both while in Montreal/Ottawa and from the distance of Washington. He is greatly deserving of his recognition and we wish him our very warmest congratulations. David & Terry Jones

  14. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 19, 2013 at 12:51 pm ·

    Tell David he should have a rightfully-swelled chest when the time comes to pin it on.
    Peter (Trent)

  15. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 19, 2013 at 1:01 pm ·

    Posted on Facebook

    Congratulations Dad! Those closest to you know you have left a mark on the minds you have touched (intellectually tortured :-)) now so do Queen and country. Well done! Fiona

    Am so proud of my Dad, David T. Nicholson, for being awarded the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal for his outstanding contribution to Canada. Way to go Dad! Marc

    Congrats David but behind every successful man there stands a woman. Gerry Germain

    “That’s just awesome. Big congratulations to your Dad Marc!” Antony Besso

    Mr N , I am very happy your efforts have been officially recognized , though I unquestionably knew you you were award worthy from our first meeting ! Christopher Halstead

  16. Nancy and Ron Meisels January 19, 2013 at 1:11 pm ·

    Hello David,
    This is not just wonderful news, it is Fantastic news.
    Without a doubt, well deserved.
    We are very proud of you!
    Nancy and Ron

  17. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 19, 2013 at 2:00 pm ·

    CONGRATULATIONS! for a well-deserved award.
    John Ciaccia

    Congratulations! Tony (Deutsch)

  18. Tracey Arial January 19, 2013 at 3:44 pm ·

    Congratulations! I’m so thrilled to hear that David is receiving this honour as it’s definitely something that is well-deserved.

  19. Wanda Potrykus January 19, 2013 at 8:37 pm ·

    Dearest David and Diana,
    I am delighted for David…it is wonderful news but wish your had been so honoured….
    Please pass on my congratulations. I will give him his hug when I next see him.

  20. Malcom Scott January 20, 2013 at 12:46 am ·

    Great News about David’s medal
    Malcolm Scott

    Secretary & Treasurer, Skal International Bali
    Southeast Asia’s largest club, fourth worldwide

  21. Diana Thebaud Nicholson January 20, 2013 at 12:37 pm ·

    Congrats to David and to yourself of course for steering his course, for the Jubilee medal…..
    John (Buchanan)

    Dear Diana and David,
    This is indeed wonderful news! I was going to say that David’s in good company, but actually, it’s the other recipients who are in good company with David!
    Jonathan (Levinson)

  22. Cleo Paskal January 20, 2013 at 2:05 pm ·

    Dear David,
    A very, very BIG congratulations on your Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal!!!! I am thrilled for you personally, and objectively delighted that the system works, and people like you, who have quietly dedicated so much time, effort, thought and heart to creating something special and valuable for others, at great cost to yourself, are being recognised. Raising a glass (sadly, just of juice) to you!

  23. Margaret Lefebvre January 20, 2013 at 3:58 pm ·

    Dear David,
    Congratulations! I am so happy to see this long overdue and incredibly deserved recognition.
    With lots of love,

  24. Peter Ratzer January 20, 2013 at 5:41 pm ·

    Diana – Congratulations from Diana and me on David’s award. We are extremely pleased that all his community work with Wednesday Night has been given public recognition in this way.
    Best wishes

  25. Catherine Gillbert January 20, 2013 at 7:26 pm ·

    This is really wonderful news. Tell David how very happy I am about this honour. It is really deserved.

  26. Mac and Elaine Mercer January 20, 2013 at 7:33 pm ·

    Congratulations to David! This is indeed a great honour.
    Mac and Elaine

  27. Joyce Murray January 20, 2013 at 8:40 pm ·

    My warm congratulations to David and to you! These honours are always due to family effort 🙂
    Joyce (Murray, M.P.)

  28. Misha Crnobrnja January 21, 2013 at 12:21 pm ·

    Dear friends,
    I add my voice of congratulations from far away Serbia. Judging by what I saw over several years, I am sure that the honour is well deserved. I hope you are keeping well. I haven’t been to Montreal in 4 years, otherwise I would have made an appearance at Wednesday Night. My son now comes to Belgrade to visit his Pa, but also for business reasons.
    Fond regards to both of you,

  29. Michael Crelinsten January 21, 2013 at 12:25 pm ·

    In the words of John Houseman from the old Smith-Barney commercial, he did it the old fashioned way – he earned it. My most sincerest and warmest congratulations to you both.

  30. Di & Gordon Green January 21, 2013 at 4:01 pm ·

    Dee, this is fantastic news. Our sincerest congratulations to that ‘outstanding contributor’!
    With love,
    Di & Gordon

  31. Stephen Blank January 21, 2013 at 5:47 pm ·

    Wonderful indeed. And much deserved (tho maybe it should have been a joint award?). XXX from Stephen and Lenore (Blank)

  32. Linda Naiman January 21, 2013 at 5:50 pm ·

    Congratulations David! What an honour!
    Best Regards,
    Linda Naiman

  33. Chantal Beaubien January 22, 2013 at 11:51 am ·

    Please extend to David my congratulations! Although, I believe the congratulations are to be shared with you as well, for however would our Wednesday Nights be without a Mouse to compliment and play devil’s advocate to our noble Chair? It truly is a two person act! 😉
    I am very happy for you both.
    Lots of love,

  34. Melanie Lauckner January 23, 2013 at 6:40 pm ·

    My goodness, how absolutely fantastic! Congratulations David!!! Really thrilled for you – and guess there will be a fancy ceremony too – what fun! M xxx

  35. Krystyne Romer Griffin January 27, 2013 at 12:08 am ·

    Dear Dee and David … Yes this such good news! My emails have all been very sporadic so possibly I did answer you. Just in case, congratulations to both of you! Krystyne

  36. Tony Vintcent January 29, 2013 at 7:26 pm ·

    From: Tony Vintcent
    To: david nicholson
    Subject: David Nicholson and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal
    All Old Sedberghians who know David Nicholson (1950)and his famous “Wednesday Night” articles will be delighted to hear that David has been awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for “outstanding contribution to our community”. The presentation will be made on February 23rd.
    Well done, David. Another example of Sedberghians standing up and being counted.

  37. Jeannette Whitton February 24, 2013 at 12:27 am ·

    Congratulation to you both. We’re so thrilled to see your efforts recognized. I really wish Ryan (and the rest of us) could have been there to share this with you.

    Big hugs,


  38. Ann Diamond March 12, 2013 at 5:02 pm ·

    The Order of Canada is next!

  39. André Saumier April 28, 2013 at 9:44 pm ·

    I discover upon coming back to Montreal after a long Asian trip that David has been awarded the Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of yr Wednesday night salon. That is a most deserved recognition for an amazing accomplishment. Warm congratulations to David and, in fact, to BOTH of you.

    très amicales salutations,

    Andre (Saumier)

  40. James Gill July 28, 2013 at 1:26 pm ·

    Well done David, I have heard so much about your Wednesday nights, my Niece, Alex Gill attended one of the evenings in 2012. My grandfather Allan Nicholson is your fathers brother and it is a shame that you are an estranged part of my family history.

    It would be a pleasure to meet you one day.

    Once again congratulations!

    James Allan Gill

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