Archive for April, 2015

Wednesday Night #1730
April 27, 2015, 2 Comments

So many sad anniversaries commemorated over the past few days. The centenary of the Armenian genocide was remembered aro ...

Wednesday Night #1729
April 21, 2015, 1 Comment

Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth Day 2015. Among the many events planned around the globe, Fulbright Canada will celebrate ...

Wednesday Night #1728
April 15, 2015, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1728

April 14 is the anniversary of the Boko Haram kidnapping. Exactly a year ago, 276 girls were abducted from Chibok in Nig ...

Asian Development Outlook
April 13, 2015, Comments Off on Asian Development Outlook

Asian Development Outlook 2015: Financing Asia’s Future Growth ADB’s Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2015 projec ...

Gerry Germain R.I.P.
April 12, 2015, 2 Comments

R.I.P. Gerry Germain Our dear friend for 50 years with whom we shared adventures and many happy hours of quiet conversat ...

Wednesday Night #1727
April 8, 2015, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1727

Hoping everyone enjoyed a Happy Easter/Passover, or simply a long, restful, weekend. For those for whom Easter or Passov ...

Wednesday Night #1726 with Marko Papic
April 1, 2015, Comments Off on Wednesday Night #1726 with Marko Papic

And in a timely announcement on Thursday morning: Ukraine signed a deal for Russian gas. Naftogaz, Ukraine’s state gas ...

Population growth & sustainable development
April 1, 2015, Comments Off on Population growth & sustainable development

Overpopulation, overconsumption – in pictures Sprawling Mexico City rolls across the landscape, displacing every scrap ...
