Archive for August 29th, 2024

Small Island Developing (SIDS) and Pacific Island States April 2024-
August 29, 2024, Comments Off on Small Island Developing (SIDS) and Pacific Island States April 2024-

Alliance of Small Island States AOSIS International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Members and Observers UNDP Support t ...

Baltimore Bridge collapse – Infrastructure
August 29, 2024, Comments Off on Baltimore Bridge collapse – Infrastructure

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal 6 November 2021 4 January 2023 FACT SHEET: President Biden, Vice President Harris, Se ...

UN, Reform & multilateralism October 2023-August 2024
August 29, 2024, Comments Off on UN, Reform & multilateralism October 2023-August 2024

UN High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence UNGA Resolution 377 Multilateralism needs an overhaul. – He ...

Putin’s War Russia-Ukraine January 2024-
August 29, 2024, Comments Off on Putin’s War Russia-Ukraine January 2024-

29 August Russia-Ukraine energy war roars back into action after mediation fails Russian refineries burn as Ukraine’s ...

U.S.-China relations November 2023-
August 29, 2024, Comments Off on U.S.-China relations November 2023-

26-29 August Sullivan meets Xi as wide-ranging China-US talks near end in Beijing (Reuters) – U.S. National Securi ...

India government, governance, international relations
August 29, 2024, Comments Off on India government, governance, international relations

C. Uday Bhaskar: India and China continue to walk a fine line over Russia’s war in Ukraine Modi’s visit to Kyiv was ...
